June 14-18, 2021 Homework Grade 1

June 14-18, 2021                                                                                                                            Monday- CKLA Reading HW words – parked drive stretched HW – Math practice 151-152 IXL 20 minutes Adding 2 digit numbers regrouping.    Tuesday - HW Reading words reptile, fastest  scratching  Math Practice 156-157 IXL  word problems to 20 Subtracting 2 digit numbers no regrouping. 20 minutes.                                                                                                                                          Wednesday-166 HW  Reading words – farm shark park- Math Practice 158-159 20 minutes IXL  Time and counting money                                                                        Thursday- HW Reading words - shop ocean seashells-. HW Math Practice 159 and IXL for 20 minutes Subtraction word problems up to 20              ****Remote learners- Tuesday return any reader you have from level 1-level 5. Science and Social Studies books as well.  Bag of cubes too. Thank you!




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June 7-11,2021 Homework – Grade 1

Homework for June 7-11, 2021 – Grade 1                                                                          Monday – HW Reading words – unpack, sleeping bag, cutting. HW Math Practice  164 IXL 20 minutes  Skills to practice Addition and Subtraction to and from  20 .                                                                                                                                  Tuesday – HW. Reading words- manners robber dinner. HW Math Practice pg.165  IXL for 20 minutes. Practice skill /Addition and Subtraction to 20                                                                                                                                                                Wednesday- Reading words HW outlaw strongbox and stagecoach. HW Math Practice pg. 166 IXL for 20 minutes. Skill Add two digits numbers with regrouping.                                                                                                                                      Thursday-.  HW Reading words- lanterns  coolest  sweet.  HW IXL for 20 minutes  Skill Subtraction word problems up to 20. Math   Practice pg. 167

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Happy June!!- Tuesday-June 1-4, 2021 Homework for the week. Grade 1

Monday –Memorial Day -No School                                                                                    Tuesday - Reading words - HW stretched legend stared HW Math Practice pg. 131 IXL for 20 minutes. Practice skill /Addition and Subtraction to 20.                Wednesday – Reading words HW- Reading words – scoops kitchen  chips  HW Math Practice pg. 134 .  IXL for 20 minutes. Skill/ Add two digits numbers with regrouping.                                                                                                                  Thursday – Reading workbook HW pg. 45 Words that end with ch sh x or s add es to the root word to make it plural.  No sentences tonight. HW IXL for 20 minutes Practice /Addition and Subtraction word problems up to 20 skill tonight.                                                                                                                                      Friday- No homework – Have a great week end. 


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Happy Monday -May 24-28, 2021- Grade 1

Homework for May 24-28, 2021                                                                                            Monday -Reading- HW words are Kate Skipper,  Nan,  summer. Math HW Math Practice pg. 145-146.   IXL for 15 minutes.  Time, Money and Addition facts to 20 on IXL tonight. Choose a skill.                                                                                          Tuesday – Reading-  WB.  Pg. 15-16  (3.3 ) No sentences today. Found in your child’s folder. Math Practice pg. 147- 148 IXL                                                        Wednesday- Reading – HW Reading words -silver  switched  scratches.  Math Practice pgs.148- 149.  IXL 15 -minutes.                                                                  Thursday- Math HW IXL – Skills to practice- money, time, adding 2 digit numbers regrouping for 20 minutes. –

Happy Memorial Day!


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Happy Monday May 17-21, 2021 Grade 1

Homework for May 17-21, 2021-                                                                                        Monday - HW Reading words -popcorn gumdrop cooler Math Practice -  pgs. 142-143 & IXL15 minutes                                                                                                Tuesday – HW- Reading words- snoring hammer perfect  HW IXL- 20 minutes

Wednesday – HW reading words are hornet toolbox mattress. Math practice pg. 144  IXL – 15 minutes

 Thursday - HW study for our Religion test tomorrow chapter 21. HW Reading words summer piglets  running.  Math Flash card drill to 20.10 minutes.  Have Fun 

We need glue stick and erasers for class on Monday and  a ruler !


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Monday- May 10, 2021 Grade 1

May 10-14, 2021

Monday - Reading words are ostrich kicked broke – IXL 10 minutes  Math-(Addition word problems Sums to 20) Math Practice pg. 124

Tuesday – Reading words are – pounds, hundred  land.  IXL- Math – Subtraction Sentences for word problem. Up to 20. 10 minutes and Math Practice pg. 125

Wednesday- Reading words are close deer fixed.   Math Practice -pg.126 IXL  -Addition facts to 20  Adding two digit numbers. 15 Minutes. 

Thursday Reading Words are- spot morning drove  IXL 20 minutes.   Please remember that IXL is a homwork assignment and you will get a grade for it.  Thanks! Have Fun!  If you wish to work in IXL independently you may do so. It is a great skill booster and free to use! It’s great to see children engaged and learning. 

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Hello May 3, 2021 Grade 1

Homework for May 3-7, 2021

Monday - Reading words are scales ostrich kicked – Math-IXL(Addition  word problems Sums to 20)                                                                                                            Tuesday – Reading words are river, chase pointed nose. Math IXL – Subtraction Sentences for word problem. Up to 20 Homework for May 3-7, 2021                                                                                                                                            Wednesday- Reading words are carpet yesterday temper.  Math Practice -pg. 138.   This should be done                                                                                                          Thursday Reading Words are chicken nuggets, sometimes, woodlands    Math Practice pg.  139 This should be done.       Tonight do pgs 113 and 117                Friday No Homework. Feel free to use IXL every day of the week  I get  a report on how all of you are doing and what you practiced so far. All first graders should be practicing their addition and subtraction facts to 20,  Geometric shapes,  Solving Word problems skills  and Measurement.! Have Fun.  


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April 26-29, 2021 No Homework on the 30th Grade 1

Homework – The week of April 26-30, 2021

*Spelling words found on pg. 53 Level 4 workbook.  Check your child’s spelling notebook and in Google Classroom. Spelling words are 1 zipper 2. barking   3. perfume 4. morning  5. carpet6. forest 7. border 8. today

Monday -Reading words HW .  napping  sneezing winter IXL addition and subtraction  practice.  Addition flash card drill each night. Sums to 20 Math practice pg. 122

Tuesday – Reading words - HW critters groundhog bobcat  Math - HW IXL Addition and Subtraction practice,  Math Practice pg. 123

Wednesday- Reading words- cage face mice  Math HW -IXL 20 minutes Addition and Subtraction Practice. Math Practice pg. 120

Thursday- Reading words – HW words – dinner otter  webbed feet
Math – HW IXL addition and subtraction facts to 20 Math Practice pg. 121


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April 19-23,2021 Grade 1

Homework for April 19-23, 2021

Monday – Reading words    HW pg.  35 Use contractions to complete each sentence.   HW words are- branch Carl -Math Practice -  138

Tuesday- Reading words- HW words storm park start    Math Practice – 139-140

Wednesday Reading Words -   HW words sports short born – Math Practice 141-142

 Thursday – Reading words -HW words are cheeks yawning because.  IXL   20 minutes time and money.

Please check Google classroom to see if there is an assignment for all my students.  Please study for your spelling tests and write your words 2 times each Monday-Thursday. Remote work needs to be handed in daily so it can be graded. Please check that all work is done before it is submitted to me. Thanks so much!

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April 12-16, 2021 Grade 1

Homework the week of April 12-16, 2021

Monday – Reading words are- march chart bark Math practice pgs.100, 101 .   Spelling words Write each words 2 times each. Write and study each night Monday – Thursday Spelling test on Friday.

Tuesday – Reading words are- art farm yarn Math Practice pages.101-102

Wednesday – Reading words are- star car arm  Math  IXL for 20 minutes Solid shapes , money

Thursday – Reading words are- she’s here’s can’t IXL for 20 minutes

Spelling test on Friday -Use WB  pg. 17 (5.1 ) when we take our test. Math IXL money-  Addition – Subtraction for 20 minutes.

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